With OVER 80 PAGES OF LAMINATED CONCEPTUAL worksheets, the point of these pages is to help students UNDERSTAND how a multiplication problem works. The 1 and 2 times table are more drawn out so that parents and teachers of toddlers and young students can work together to define multiplication and talk about it. Features that are light colored or light grey are for tracing to help our youngest users, features that are empty are for filling in. Feel free to use a wet or dry erase marker to use and reuse this workbook frequently to activate your student's long-term memory. CONSISTENCY and REPETITION is KEY! You can also create smaller workbooks using the pages that work best for your child. There is a fact fluency sheet included so that you can work on that as well but it only goes up to the four times table. If you are interested in the 1-12 fact fluency sheet, see the Fact Fluency Workbook.
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