Cards on the Table
No two children are the same. Not even children born to the same parents. Here at Cards on the Table, we lean into this fact by participating in observational parenting. If we have first observed our children, there will be specific, intentional parenting moves that we can make that will help increase the odds of a a child's success, hence the term: PARENTENTIONALITY
Many parents succumb to parenting according to one or more of the following factors:
Inherited trauma
The exact opposite of their parents' parenting style
The exact parenting style their parents had with them
A predefined version of success without intention to instill data based adaptations
Preconceived notions about disabilities
Who they needed when they were children
Over-comparing their child/parenting to other children and their parents
Parenting from the above mentioned factors is the first mistake that parents usually make. Unfortunately, many parents seldom realize that they are projecting from the well of these factors because
it often happens subconsciously.
Cards on the table is a holistic education service grounded in conscious parenting run by Coach Toni Working with Cards On The Table aligns parents with any or all of the following when necessary
Family planning as it pertains to parents being on the same page about their household
Trauma identification - to allow for a healthy displacement of the need to cope or compensate through parenting
Education services to help parents assist their young children to be ready for kindergarten with emphasis on math development
Development of intentional and consistent systems in the home
Referrals to specialists for therapies associated with disabilities, neurodiversity or trauma response (available for parents and children)
Therapies home extension activities
Nutrition Education
Child Development Education
Services begin with booking a consultation conversation that allows all parties involved to determine short term and long term family goals and where Cards on the Table will fit into that structure. This is followed by an audit which will determine current structures and develop an action or implementation plan which CTT can assist with. All services are customizable and most services will require an in person audit to get started as nuances picked up in person usually go undetected virtually.
"I walked away from my first session with so much to think about that I never considered before. Coach Toni clearly has a gift for intentional parenting and I am so excited to work with her as our family grow!"
Mariana Connor
Developing Alix and Alivia with Coach Toni has been very helpful. She is so attentive to who they are and has helped me be reflective on my own parenting and I have developed so much more PATIENCE with my kids. Thank you!
Alicia John
"I was terrible at being a consistent parent before Coach Toni and I realized how many events in my life growing up affected who I was to my son. I love how detail oriented Coach Toni is and the systems we have developed especially around boundaries make parenting from day to day much easier."
Rick Montenegro
My daughter has a conceptual understanding of basic math and I have to admit I have a better understanding of math too. I feel more prepared for Emily go start kindergarten because we have been finding math in everyday life with Coach Toni for so long and I feel confident about the foundation that she was able to provide.
Suzane Levi
Click the link to learn about our consultation and audit services. Feel free to reach out to COTT with specific questions.